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Chapter 24
24:1 [hgb]  全 能 者 既 定 期 罚 恶 , 为 何 不 使 认 识 他 的 人 看 见 那 日 子 呢 ?
    [kjv]  Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days?
    [bbe]  Why are times not stored up by the Ruler of all, and why do those who have knowledge of him not see his days?
24:2 [hgb]  有 人 挪 移 地 界 , 抢 夺 群 畜 而 牧 养 。
    [kjv]  Some remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks, and feed thereof.
    [bbe]  The landmarks are changed by evil men, they violently take away flocks, together with their keepers.
24:3 [hgb]  他 们 拉 去 孤 儿 的 驴 , 强 取 寡 妇 的 牛 为 当 头 。
    [kjv]  They drive away the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge.
    [bbe]  They send away the ass of him who has no father, they take the widow's ox for debt.
24:4 [hgb]  他 们 使 穷 人 离 开 正 道 , 世 上 的 贫 民 尽 都 隐 藏 。
    [kjv]  They turn the needy out of the way: the poor of the earth hide themselves together.
    [bbe]  The crushed are turned out of the way; all the poor of the earth go into a secret place together.
24:5 [hgb]  这 些 贫 穷 人 , 如 同 野 驴 出 到 旷 野 , 殷 勤 寻 找 食 物 。 他 们 靠 着 野 地 给 儿 女 糊 口 ,
    [kjv]  Behold, as wild asses in the desert, go they forth to their work; rising betimes for a prey: the wilderness yieldeth food for them and for their children.
    [bbe]  Like asses in the waste land they go out to their work, looking for food with care; from the waste land they get bread for their children.
24:6 [hgb]  收 割 别 人 田 间 的 禾 稼 , 摘 取 恶 人 余 剩 的 葡 萄 。
    [kjv]  They reap every one his corn in the field: and they gather the vintage of the wicked.
    [bbe]  They get mixed grain from the field, and they take away the late fruit from the vines of those who have wealth.
24:7 [hgb]  终 夜 赤 身 无 衣 , 天 气 寒 冷 毫 无 遮 盖 ,
    [kjv]  They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, that they have no covering in the cold.
    [bbe]  They take their rest at night without clothing, and have no cover in the cold.
24:8 [hgb]  在 山 上 被 大 雨 淋 湿 , 因 没 有 避 身 之 处 就 挨 近 磐 石 。
    [kjv]  They are wet with the showers of the mountains, and embrace the rock for want of a shelter.
    [bbe]  They are wet with the rain of the mountains, and get into the cracks of the rock for cover.
24:9 [hgb]  又 有 人 从 母 怀 中 抢 夺 孤 儿 , 强 取 穷 人 的 衣 服 为 当 头 。
    [kjv]  They pluck the fatherless from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor.
    [bbe]  The child without a father is forced from its mother's breast, and they take the young children of the poor for debt.
24:10 [hgb]  使 人 赤 身 无 衣 , 到 处 流 行 , 且 因 饥 饿 扛 抬 禾 捆 ,
    [kjv]  They cause him to go naked without clothing, and they take away the sheaf from the hungry;
    [bbe]  Others go about without clothing, and though they have no food, they get in the grain from the fields.
24:11 [hgb]  在 那 些 人 的 围 墙 内 造 油 , 榨 酒 , 自 己 还 口 渴 。
    [kjv]  Which make oil within their walls, and tread their winepresses, and suffer thirst.
    [bbe]  Between the lines of olive-trees they make oil; though they have no drink, they are crushing out the grapes.
24:12 [hgb]  在 多 民 的 城 内 有 人 唉 哼 , 受 伤 的 人 哀 号 。 神 却 不 理 会 那 恶 人 的 愚 妄 。
    [kjv]  Men groan from out of the city, and the soul of the wounded crieth out: yet God layeth not folly to them.
    [bbe]  From the town come sounds of pain from those who are near death, and the soul of the wounded is crying out for help; but God does not take note of their prayer.
24:13 [hgb]  又 有 人 背 弃 光 明 , 不 认 识 光 明 的 道 , 不 住 在 光 明 的 路 上 。
    [kjv]  They are of those that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof.
    [bbe]  Then there are those who are haters of the light, who have no knowledge of its ways, and do not go in them.
24:14 [hgb]  杀 人 的 黎 明 起 来 , 杀 害 困 ............
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