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Chapter 8 Josie Plays Mermaid

 While the young Bhaers were having serious experiences at home, Josiewas enjoying herself immensely at Rocky Nook; for the Laurences knewhow to make summer idleness both charming and wholesome. Bess wasvery fond of her little cousin; Mrs Amy felt that whether her niecewas an actress or not she must be a gentlewoman, and gave her thesocial training which marks the well-bred woman everywhere; whileUncle Laurie was never happier than when rowing, riding, playing, orlounging with two gay girls beside him. Josie bloomed like a wildflower in this free life, Bess grew rosy, brisk, and merry, and bothwere great favourites with the neighbours, whose villas were by theshore or perched on the cliffs along the pretty bay.

  One crumpled rose-leaf disturbed Josie's peace, one baffled wishfilled her with a longing which became a mania, and kept her asrestless and watchful as a detective with a case to 'work up'. MissCameron, the great actress, had hired one of the villas and retiredthither to rest and 'create' a new part for next season. She saw noone but a friend or two, had a private beach, and was invisibleexcept during her daily drive, or when the opera-glasses of curiousgazers were fixed on a blue figure disporting itself in the sea. TheLaurences knew her, but respected her privacy, and after a call lefther in peace till she expressed a wish for society--a courtesy whichshe remembered and repaid later, as we shall see.
  But Josie was like a thirsty fly buzzing about a sealed honey-pot,for this nearness to her idol was both delightful and maddening. Shepined to see, hear, talk with, and study this great and happy womanwho could thrill thousands by her art, and win friends by her virtue,benevolence, and beauty. This was the sort of actress the girl meantto be, and few could object if the gift was really hers; for thestage needs just such women to purify and elevate the professionwhich should teach as well as amuse. If kindly Miss Cameron had knownwhat passionate love and longing burned in the bosom of the littlegirl whom she idly observed skipping over the rocks, splashing aboutthe beach, or galloping past her gate on a Shetland pony, she wouldhave made her happy by a look or a word. But being tired with herwinter's work and busy with her new part, the lady took no morenotice of this young neighbour than of the sea-gulls in the bay orthe daisies dancing in the fields. Nosegays left on her doorstep,serenades under her garden-wall, and the fixed stare of admiring eyeswere such familiar things that she scarcely minded them; and Josiegrew desperate when all her little attempts failed.
  'I might climb that pine-tree and tumble off on her piazza roof, orget Sheltie to throw me just at her gate and be taken in fainting.
  It's no use to try to drown myself when she is bathing. I can't sink,and she'd only send a man to pull me out. What can I do? I will seeher and tell her my hopes and make her say I can act some day. Mammawould believe her; and if--oh, if she only would let me study withher, what perfect joy that would be!'
  Josie made these remarks one afternoon as she and Bess prepared for aswim, a fishing party having prevented their morning bathe.
  'You must bide your time, dear, and not be so impatient. Papapromised to give you a chance before the season is over, and healways manages things nicely. That will be better than any queerprank of yours,' answered Bess, tying her pretty hair in a white netto match her suit, while Josie made a little lobster of herself inscarlet.
  'I hate to wait; but I suppose I must. Hope she will bathe thisafternoon, though it is low tide. She told Uncle she should have togo in then because in the morning people stared so and went on herbeach. Come and have a good dive from the big rock. No one round butnurses and babies, so we can romp and splash as much as we like.'
  Away they went to have a fine time; for the little bay was free fromother bathers, and the babies greatly admired their aquaticgymnastics, both being expert swimmers.
  As they sat dripping on the big rock Josie suddenly gave a clutchthat nearly sent Bess overboard, as she cried excitedly:
  'There she is! Look! coming to bathe. How splendid! Oh, if she onlywould drown a little and let me save her! or even get her toe nippedby a crab; anything so I could go and speak!'
  'Don't seem to look; she comes to be quiet and enjoy herself.
  Pretend we don't see her, that's only civil,' answered Bess,affecting to be absorbed in a white-winged yacht going by.
  'Let's carelessly float that way as if going for seaweed on therocks. She can't mind if we are flat on our backs, with only ournoses out. Then when we can't help seeing her, we'll swim back as ifanxious to retire. That will impress her, and she may call to thankthe very polite young ladies who respect her wishes,' proposed Josie,whose lively fancy was always planning dramatic situations.
  Just as they were going to slip from their rock, as if Fate relentedat last, Miss Cameron was seen to beckon wildly as she stoodwaist-deep in the water, looking down. She called to her maid, whoseemed searching along the beach for something, and not finding whatshe sought, waved a towel towards the girls as if summoning them tohelp her.
  'Run, fly! she wants us, she wants us!' cried Josie, tumbling intothe water like a very energetic turtle, and swimming away in her beststyle towards this long desired haven of joy. Bess followed moreslowly, and both came panting and smiling up to Miss Cameron, whonever lifted her eyes, but said in that wonderful voice of hers:
  'I've dropped a bracelet. I see it, but can't get it. Will the littleboy find me a long stick? I'll keep my eye on it, so the water shallnot wash it away.'
  'I'll dive for it with pleasure; but I'm not a boy,' answered Josie,laughing as she shook the curly head which at a distance had deceivedthe lady.
  'I beg your pardon. Dive away, child; the sand is covering it fast. Ivalue it very much. Never forgot to take it off before.'
  'I'll get it!' and down went Josie, to come up with a handful ofpebbles, but no bracelet.
  'It's gone; never mind--my fault,' said Miss Cameron, disappointed,but amused at the girl's dismay as she shook the water out of hereyes and gasped bravely:
  'No, it isn't. I'll have it, if I stay down all night!' and with onelong breath Josie dived again, leaving nothing but a pair of agitatedfeet to be seen.
  'I'm afraid she will hurt herself,' said Miss Cameron, looking atBess, whom she recognized by her likeness to her mother.
  'Oh, no; Josie is a little fish. She likes it'; and Bess smiledhappily at this wonderful granting of her cousin's desire.
  'You are Mr Laurence's daughter, I think? How d'ye do, dear? Tellpapa I'm coming to see him soon. Too tired before. Quite savage.
  Better now. Ah! here's our pearl of divers. What luck?' she asked, asthe heels went down and a dripping head came up.
  Josie could only choke and splutter at first, being half strangled;but though her hands had failed again, her courage had not; and witha resolute shake of her wet hair, a bright look at the tall lady, anda series of puffs to fill her lungs, she said calmly:
  '"Never give up" is my motto. I'm going to get it, if I go toLiverpool for it! Now, then!' and down went the mermaid quite out ofsight this time, groping like a real lobster at the bottom of thesea.
  'Plucky little girl! I like that. Who is she?' asked the lady,sitting down on a half-covered stone to watch her diver, since thebracelet was lost sight of.
  Bess told her, adding, with the persuasive smile of her father:
  'Josie longs to be an actress, and has waited for a month to see you.
  This is a great happiness for her.'
  'Bless the child! why didn't she come and call? I'd have let her in;though usually I avoid stage-struck girls as I do reporters,' laughedMiss Cameron.
  There was no time for more; a brown hand, grasping the bracelet, roseout of the sea, followed by a purple face as Josie came up so blindand dizzy she could only cling to Bess, half drowned but triumphant.
  Miss Cameron drew her to the rock where she sat, and pushing the hairout of her eyes, revived her with a hearty 'Bravo! bravo!' whichassured the girl that her first act was a hit. Josie had oftenimagined her meeting with the great actress--the dignity and gracewith which she would enter and tell her ambitious hopes, theeffective dress she would wear, the witty things she would say, thedeep impression her budding genius would make. But never in herwildest moments had she imagined an interview like this; scarlet,sandy, streaming, and speechless she leaned against the illustriousshoulder, looking like a beautiful seal as she blinked and wheezedtill she could smile joyfully and exclaim proudly:
  'I did get it! I'm so glad!'
  'Now get your breath, my dear; then I shall be glad also. It was verynice of you to take all that trouble for me. How shall I thank you?'
  asked the lady, looking at her with the beautiful eyes that could sayso many things without words.
  Josie clasped her hands with a wet spat which rather destroyed theeffect of the gesture, and answered in a beseeching tone that wouldhave softened a far harder heart than Miss Cameron's:
  'Let me come and see you once--only once! I want you to tell me if Ican act; you will know. I'll abide by what you say; and if you thinkI can--by and by, when I've studied very hard--I shall be thehappiest girl in the world. May I?'
  'Yes; come tomorrow at eleven. We'll have a good talk; you shall showme what you can do, and I'll give you my opinion. But you won't likeit.'
  'I will, no matter if you tell me I'm a fool. I want it settled; sodoes mamma. I'll take it bravely if you say no; and if you say yes,I'll never give up till I've done my best--as you did.'
  'Ah, my child, it's a weary road, and there are plenty of thornsamong the roses when you've won them. I think you have the courage,and this proves that you have perseverance. Perhaps you'll do. Come,and we'll see.'
  Miss Cameron touched the bracelet as she spoke, and smiled so kindlythat impetuous Josie wanted to kiss her; but wisely refrained, thoughher eyes were wet with softer water than any in the sea as shethanked her.
  'We are keeping Miss Cameron from her bath, and the tide is goingout. Come, Josie,' said thoughtful Bess, fearing to outstay theirwelcome.
  'Run over the beach and get warm. Thank you very much, littlemermaid. Tell papa to bring his daughter to see me any time.
  Good-bye'; and with a wave of her hand the tragedy queen dismissedher court, but remained on her weedy throne watching the two lithefigures race over the sand with twinkling feet till they were out ofsight. Then, as she calmly bobbed up and down in the water, she saidto herself: 'The child has a good stage face, vivid, mobile; fineeyes, abandon, pluck, will. Perhaps she'll do. Good stock--talent inthe family. We shall see.'
  Of course Josie never slept a wink, and was in a fever of joyfulexcitement next day. Uncle Laurie enjoyed the episode very much, andAunt Amy looked out her most becoming white dress for the grandoccasion; Bess lent her most artistic hat, and Josie ranged the woodand marsh for a bouquet of wild roses, sweet white azalea, ferns, andgraceful grasses, as the offering of a very grateful heart.
  At ten she solemnly arrayed herself, and then sat looking at her neatgloves and buckled shoes till it was time to go, growing pale andsober with the thought that her fate was soon to be decided; for,like all young people she was sure that her whole life could besettled by one human creature, quite forgetting how wonderfullyProvidence trains us by disappointment, surprises us with unexpectedsuccess, and turns our seeming trials into blessings.
  'I will go alone: we shall be freer so. Oh, Bess, pray that she maytell me rightly! So much depends on that! Don't laugh, uncle! It is avery serious moment for me. Miss Cameron knows that, and will tellyou so. Kiss me, Aunt Amy, since mamma isn't here. If you say I looknice, I'm quite satisfied. Good-bye.' And with a wave of the hand asmuch like her model's as she could make it, Josie departed, lookingvery pretty and feeling very tragical.
  Sure now of admittance, she boldly rang at the door which excluded somany, and being ushered into a shady parlour, feasted her eyes uponseveral fine portraits of great actors while she waited. She had readabout most of them, and knew their trials and triumphs so well thatshe soon forgot herself, and tried to imitate Mrs Siddons as LadyMacbeth, looking up at the engraving as she held her nosegay like thecandle in the sleep-walking scene, and knit her youthful browsdistressfully while murmuring the speech of the haunted queen. Sobusy was she that Miss Cameron watched her for several minutesunseen, then startled her by suddenly sweeping in with the words uponher lips, the look upon her face, which made that one of her greatestscenes.
  'I never can do it like that; but I'll keep trying, if you say Imay,' cried Josie, forgetting her manners in the intense interest ofthe moment.
  'Show me what you can do,' answered the actress, wisely plunging intothe middle of things at onc............
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